
Are You Satisfied With The Result After A Hair Transplant?

If you are facing genetic baldness or permanent hair loss, you need a hair transplant clinic in Dehradun to get proper treatment. Genetic baldness or permanent hair loss is a severe condition that shrinks and kills the hair follicles of your scalp. As a result, a large area of your scalp becomes totally bald.  If you visit a hair loss clinic for the treatment of genetic hair loss, the hair specialist in Dehradun will advise you to undergo hair transplant surgery since this is the only permanent solution for hair loss.  The procedure of hair transplant During the treatment, the surgeon will remove baldness-resistant hairs from the donor area with the help of either FUT or FUE hair transplant technique. In the next step, the surgeon will insert these hairs into the bald areas of the scalp.  If a surgeon is skilled and experienced, you are going to get the best results after the treatment.  Patients get natural and permanent results after the surgery. Therefore, hair ...

Common Types Of Hair Loss

  Hair growth and hair fall both are a part of the hair growth cycle. Hair follicles inside the skin grow new hair and old hair fall as a natural process. The percentage of hair growth on the scalp is always more than the percentage of hair fall in a healthy hair growth cycle. Due to several reasons, this cycle gets disturbed and more hair fall takes place when compared to the percentage of hair growth. This condition is hair loss. As a normal belief, a hair transplant in Dehradun is a permanent treatment of hair loss. However, this is not always true. There are several types of hair loss and other approaches to cure hair loss are also used by doctors. In this blog, we will look at the most common types of hair loss. Have a look! Anagen Effluvium: the treatment of cancer called chemotherapy kills the cells of cancer. Besides killing cancer cells, the medication may stop the production of healthy hair follicles on the scalp. in most cases, hair grows back after the end of the treat...

Is Sweat Bad For Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair loss is a common scalp issue that causes severe hair fall on the scalp. If you are facing this scalp problem, you need the help of a skilled and qualified hair specialist in Dehradun . Most hair loss doctor agrees with the fact that hair transplant surgery is the best solution for genetic hair loss or male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness is a permanent type of hair loss that kills the hair grafts forever. Principle and procedure of hair transplant During the hair transplant surgery, the surgeon removes baldness-resistant hairs from the donor area of the scalp and transplants them into the bald areas. The back and both sides function as donor sites since these areas grow baldness-resistant hairs. Since the hairs have enough resistance to male pattern baldness, they will grow in the new areas with full strength after the surgery. During the surgery, the surgeon will administer anesthesia to numb the treated area. After this step, the surgeon will remove the hair from the d...

Hair Loss And Receding Hairline

Generally, hair grows and falls repeatedly on the scalp to follow the hair growth cycle. You may lose many hairs every day but nothing is wrong with this process. The hair follicles inside the skin will grow new hair again. Hair loss takes place when the hair growth cycle is disturbed and more hair falls in comparison to growing hair. If hair loss is genetic, you need a hair transplant in Dehradun . Genetic hair loss shows a pattern in which you will observe that your hairline is receding gradually. Generally, men experience a receding hairline but not female patients. The following factors play a vital role in hair loss and receding hairline: Aging: Hair loss may take at any point in life. Generally, 45 to 50 years old patients have distinct signs of hair loss. Hormonal factors: Both men and women may face hair loss due to hormonal factors. According to hair loss experts, Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) play a vital role in making the scalp of a male pattern totally bald. In women, a rece...

​3 Main Reasons That Cause Hair Loss

There are a lot of people who face hair thinning or hair loss at some point in their life. If you are one of those hair loss patients, you need to visit a hair transplant clinic in Dehradun for proper treatment.  In fact, there are a lot of reasons that cause hair loss. Therefore, detecting the root cause will not be easy for hair loss patients. Therefore, hair loss patients need the assistance of a trained and experienced hair loss doctor.  There are a lot of reasons that cause temporary hair loss. Moreover, you can easily avoid these reasons if you are fully aware of them.  Therefore, we have listed the five most common reasons that are responsible for hair loss.  Have a look!  Genetic reasons: Genetic hair loss may cause hair loss in both men and women. When a man is affected, the disease is called male pattern baldness. On the other hand, a female patient faces female hair loss.  The pattern of progression of male pattern baldness is different in male ...

​When Will You Call a Hair Transplant Successful?

A hair transplant in Dehradun is an effective solution for genetic hair loss. A lot of clinics in the field of hair restoration are providing positive results after surgical treatment. However, a lot of hair loss patients are not sure about the results and they consistently ask questions about the success rate of the treatment.  Therefore, it is essential to talk about the factors that make a hair transplant surgery successful.  When is the hair transplant successful? If we look at the perspective of hair loss patients, they would like to have fully natural hair growth as they had before. However, the results always depend on several factors. Therefore, a skilled and experienced doctor has to consider all these factors to yield good results for you.  Thus, you have to measure the results of hair transplant surgery with realistic expectations.  What happens during the surgery? During the best hair transplant in Dehradun , the surgeon uses your own hair for the treatm...

How Can a Hair Transplant Become a Self-Esteem Booster?

The case of hair loss is very interesting. In this disease, a patient experiences physical changes like a balding scalp and hair thinning. But this scalp issue does not cause pain and discomfort. However, hair loss patients look for a skilled hair specialist in Dehradun since they feel depressed due to hair thinning and hair loss.  According to hair loss experts, hair loss may lead to low self-esteem and confidence. Moreover, hair loss can be a reason for depression and other similar psychological disorders as well.  Hair loss is a common problem, affecting the scalp of both men and women. Therefore, both may experience depression due to their odd look. Full hair signifies health and impressiveness since it is a vital part of your forehead. Therefore, it is really tough to bear the pain if you have an entirely or partly bald scalp.  Effects of hair transplant on the self-esteem of hair loss patients While you face hair loss, you feel insecure and embarrassed in a social ...