Common Types Of Hair Loss


Hair growth and hair fall both are a part of the hair growth cycle. Hair follicles inside the skin grow new hair and old hair fall as a natural process. The percentage of hair growth on the scalp is always more than the percentage of hair fall in a healthy hair growth cycle. Due to several reasons, this cycle gets disturbed and more hair fall takes place when compared to the percentage of hair growth. This condition is hair loss.

As a normal belief, a hair transplant in Dehradun is a permanent treatment of hair loss. However, this is not always true. There are several types of hair loss and other approaches to cure hair loss are also used by doctors.

In this blog, we will look at the most common types of hair loss.

Have a look!

Anagen Effluvium:

the treatment of cancer called chemotherapy kills the cells of cancer. Besides killing cancer cells, the medication may stop the production of healthy hair follicles on the scalp. in most cases, hair grows back after the end of the treatment.

Stress hair loss:

Stress may cause hormonal imbalances in the body. As a result, your body will stop the process that is important for the body. Surely, hair growth is not a vital process for the body. Therefore, the system of the body will stop hair growth if you do not do anything special to control stress in your life.

Alopecia Areata:

This issue occurs due to an autoimmune disease. In this problem, the immune system of the body will attack healthy hair follicles. As a result, hair does not grow on the scalp

This condition is normal in adults and you may see the symptoms in children as well. This is a suddenly taking place condition. in severe conditions, the hairs of body parts also fall to leave a bald area.

Pattern baldness:

This disease is of two types called male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness takes place in male patients and female baldness will take place in female patients.

The pattern of permanent baldness in males and females is quite different.

In males, the pattern will show hair thinning and hair loss in the hairline, temporal region, and crown area. Female pattern baldness will take place in female patients with a different pattern. In these patients, hair loss and hair thinning take place in the entire scalp. The best hair transplant in Dehradun is a proper and permanent treatment for genetic baldness or male pattern baldness.

Finally, there are several types of hair loss, and the treatment approach is different for every type. If you are facing male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia, you can come to the Luxe Enhance clinic. This center will provide an affordable hair transplant cost in Dehradun with the help of its ultra-effective tools and treatments.


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